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Anping Reclaimed Water Plant and Rende Reclaimed Water Plant - 2nd Integrity Platform Education and Training Workshop in 2022

On Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., the 2nd Integrity Platform Education and Training Workshop was held in Conference Room 101 of the Anping Water Resources Recycling Center. The Water Resources Bureau of the Tainan City Government (WRB) invited the Director of the Civil Service Ethics Office of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor and the Chief of the Construction Safety Section of the Occupational Safety and Health Division, Ministry of Labor to attend the workshop. Pei-Shih Lin, Deputy Director of the Southern Region Occupational Safety and Health Center of the Ministry of Labor delivered a lecture on “Construction Site Labor Inspection Violation Patterns”.

Through this education and training on occupational safety issues, the WRB seeks to strengthen the awareness of occupational safety and maintenance among contractors, project management vendors and colleagues, and make good use of the Integrity Platform to provide the opportunity for industry, government and academia to gather together and exchange views on practical issues and difficulties encountered in occupational safety and create a safe and zero-injury environment together.

The lecture notes are provided for reference and future use.