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The 3rd Meeting of the Integrity Platform for the Construction of Anping Reclaimed Water Plant

In order to ensure a smooth contract performance process for contractors on the Integrity Platform and to ensure that the awarded contractors, project management units, and the responsible personnel of the Bureau have a correct understanding of the legal responsibilities and potential risks of violations in the procurement process and contracting process, the WRB invited Chief Prosecutor Li of the Tainan District Prosecutors Office to deliver a lecture on "Corporate Integrity and the Rule of Law" on October 7, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in Conference Room 101 of the Anping Water Resources Recycling Center. During the lecture, Li pointed out that "integrity and responsibility" is a basic requirement in the contracting process and an indispensable factor in the execution process. He further promoted the concept of corporate integrity through case studies, and reminded the audience of the importance of avoiding illegal or improper and risky behaviors, and also provided legal concepts and practical precautions in procurement cases.